Log Lizard Part 2 - Hints

Log Parser Lizard is awesome
To see why, read part 1 of my Log lizard blog here

It's pretty easy to use, but there are some things you might need to do out the box (such as change the default location of logs).

Change Default IIS Log Location
When you create a new IIS WC3 query the default path is
SELECT.... FROM 'C:\inetpub\logs\LogFiles\W3SVC1\*.log'

but if you open an existing query you'll see the path is not hard coded but uses a constant instead SELECT...FROM #IISW3C#

Where do you set "#IISW3C#"? It is in the "manage constants" icon in the ribbon as shown below:
Then the constants screen will pop up. There you can chnage the path to the logs, as well as some other pre-defined constants and add your own too.

IIS logs can get massive over time, so you should consider your logging strategy, such as moving them off the Windows disk or compressing the folder(s). There is some interesting information on the IIS site here

Deleting Unused Groups
I only use Log Lizard for IIS, Event Logs and some custom logs (such as SQL Error logs). Therefore I wanted to get rid of some of the groups and queries that I don't need.

Choosing "Remove Buttons" from the context menu only removes them from the current session. Start Lizard again and they will be back.

but the way to get rid of them permenantly is to use the Ribbon. Click the Home Tab, then choose Delete Group. It ill popup and ask you which group to delete, then click ok.
Moving Queries Between Servers
When you buy Log Lizard, you can install it in two places at once. You may have many licences for your various servers, so being able to share queries quickly is useful.

Click the first tab on the ribbon and then choose settings
The popup will show you the current query set. Just copy the XML file to the same place on another server and start Log Lizard. It will pick up all the new queries.